First pilot training held in Rome
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From 7-11 September, a first pilot training for the I_TEM course took place in Rome, hosted by local project partner ANPAS.
The course covered the educational content of two of the four target groups of I_TEM: Children and multicultural groups. The pilot training made use of blended learning techniques by providing preparatory materials for the participants on a Moodle-type e-learning platform in advance. Additional minor digital elements were used during the on-site phase, particularly as a feedback mechanism and for the evaluation. With basic information provided in digital form, the in-presence part of the training could concentrate on the specific strengths of this type of instruction: the presence-based session concentrated on interactive exercises and activities to give participants a better understanding of the taught concepts thorough personal experience.
Having the meeting in Rome enabled ANPAS to organize a special field trip for the participants as part of the event program: The group went for a visit at the Italian Civil Protection Department and got a comprehensive tour of their crisis management facilities.
The project steering group and the trainers came together at the end of the event to have a first look at the evaluation and plan the next steps.
The next pilot training is set to take place in South Tyrol, Italy, hosted by White Cross. It will concentrate on the two remaining target groups, Elderly People and People with Disabilities. Before that, in early December 2022, the project group will reconvene in Slovakia for a workshop to prepare the training and incorporate the lessons learned from this first pilot event.