Project holds 2nd pilot training in Bolzano, Italy
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I_TEM conducted a second pilot training from 19-23 April 2023. Learning from the previous training, a shift in balance of e-learning and in-presence training was implemented.
While the first pilot training in Rome was about the two target groups of children and people from different cultural backgrounds, the Bolzano training focused on the remaining two target groups of Elderly people and People with Disabilities.

Based on the feedback from the first training, the online and offline parts of the training were re-balanced, filling the in-presence part with only brief theoretical instructions and extensive practical exercises to provide the participants with a deeper understanding through experience. The online part, for which a Moodle online course was used again, provided brief introductions in preparation and further reading and primary sources as additional background.
A field trip to a local centre of and for blind people was integrated into the program. Participants received a first-hand account, elaboration and verification of concepts and approaches from the classroom. The experience was concluded with a parkours in the dark, something that the centre regularly offers to the general public.

As a relevant framework activity, the participants were also given a tour of the host organization’s civil protection warehouse and facilities. The White Cross is the largest rescue and civil protection organisation in South Tyrol. A visit to the mountainous region’s helicopter rescue service was also offered, for a Q&A with an emergency doctor working on the service.
In an extensive feedback session, the results of a standardized survey filled in by the participants as well as individual impressions of participants and trainers were discussed. In the remainder of the project timeframe, the I_TEM group will use these evaluation results to finalize the training guideline, that will be the principal output of the project.

Group photo by Katharina Haniger, WK. All other photos by SAM.I.